In a family owned and operated winery everybody plays a vital role in the wine!

Mike and Melissa own and operate the winery, and it’s their friendly faces you’ll see in the tasting room. Mike heads up all of the farming and winemaking operations, while Melissa covers the wine club and operational logistics of a family owned winery making it all look easy. Melissa is the one you will talk to about your club shipment, upcoming events, industry news and the skinny on upcoming releases. She’s got it covered.
The wine you serve at your table is the result of the efforts of many. We tip our hat to our excellent vineyard crews led by Francisco Jimenez and Stephanie Briggs, we couldn’t do any of this without their hard work and dedication. And lasly, we’ve got a crew of fantastic volunteers including family and friends that are always a tremendous help. Your camaraderie makes it fun!